قم بالتسجيل

■ شروط وأحكام الاستخدام

Article 1. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions of Use apply without restrictions or reservations to any subscription to online training on the ENA E-learning platform by Customers, hereinafter referred to as "The user".

Article 2. Access code

You need an access code for all activities relating to our E-learning Platform. The code will be provided to you as soon as you have paid the fees for the chosen course. Keep your code in a safe place, as you are responsible for all activity associated with your account. You are not allowed to share your account login credentials with anyone. If you think someone else is using your account without your permission, let us know by contacting our Support Department. If you have lost access to the platform, we can help you, however, we may ask you for additional information to verify that you are indeed the holder of the account in question.

Article 3. General principles

E-learning is part of information and communication technologies for education and allows non-face-to-face training activities to be carried out. This most often involves the use of computers or mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, PDAs, etc.) connected to the Internet. E-learning is above all suitable for developing cognitive skills, and, with specific methods, interpersonal skills (conflict management, leadership, interpersonal relations, etc.).

■ E-learning training can:

● self-learning (digital learning tutorial);

● be led by a facilitator. He then has a major role in planning activities and facilitating training activities for participants. It uses two groups of communication tools: asynchronous tools (independent of time), which correspond to the use of emails, discussion forums, wikis and other shared tools: editing, blogs, webcasting, synchronous tools (in real time), which correspond to live contact times through instant messaging, surveys, interactive whiteboards or screen sharing, application sharing tools , audio and video conferencing, live webcasting.

Article 4. Course pricing

Access to our online courses is chargeable. The price of each course depends on its content.

We regularly offer temporary promotions for our courses.

The applicable price for a course is the one indicated when you pay for your purchase.

Our active and digital members as well as some exceptional collaborators benefit from discounts on all our online courses.

For any purchase, you agree not to use any invalid or unauthorized payment method. If the payment process fails, but you still have access to the course you registered for, you agree to pay us the amount due within 7 days of notification from us. We reserve the right to disable access to any course for which we have not received proper payment.

Registration for all our courses is never refundable. However, if a course that you previously purchased is deactivated for any reason and less than one (1) month after the date of its purchase and without you having had the opportunity to obtain a Certificate, you are entitled to a full refund. In this case, contact us by consulting the Help and Support section.

Article 5. Student Honor Code

By registering for ENA online training, I agree to respect the following code of honor:

  • I will only use one user account to access the training.
  • I will respond to reviews on my own, without the help of others.
  • I will not borrow the work of others or any part of the work of others in contravention of the provisions of the Copyright Act.
  • I will not divulge or otherwise disseminate the questions and answers for the assessments.
  • I will not engage in dishonest activities intended to improve my results or harm the results of others participating in the training.

Training participants are strongly encouraged to:

  • Collaborate with other participants to understand the material posted on the training site.
  • Discuss with other participants general concepts related to the training material.
  • Present ideas, submit comments, critique content on training topics or related topics.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions on how to improve this online training.

Article 6. Interaction with the trainer

As a participant in a course, you have the opportunity to ask questions of the instructors of the courses in which you are registered through the Services, and to post reviews on these courses. For some courses, the instructor may invite you to submit content in the form of assignments or practice exams. Do not post or submit any content that does not belong to you.

Article 7. Sharing of user opinions

When you post content, comments, questions and opinions, and when you submit ideas and suggestions for new features or improvements to us, you authorize ENA Platform to use and share this content with other people, to disseminate and promote it on any platform and in any media, and to make any changes or revisions we deem necessary.

Article 8. ENA Platform Rights

We own the ENA E-learning platform, including the website, our logos, and course content. You may not alter or use these elements without our prior written permission.

Article 9. Binding agreement

You agree that by registering, accessing or using the ENA E-learning services, you agree to be bound by a legally binding contract with ENA. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not register for, access or use our Services.

Article 10. Disclaimer

It may happen that our platform is inaccessible, either due to planned maintenance, or due to technical or other problems. You waive any recourse against us in any type of these cases, in the event of the unavailability of our platform.

In more complete legal terms, the Services of the ENA E-learning platform and their content are provided “as is” and “as available”. We make no representations or warranties as to the suitability, reliability, availability, security, error-freeness, or accuracy of the Services or their content, and expressly disclaim any express warranties or conditions, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. We make no guarantees that you will obtain specific results from using our Services. Your use of our platform is entirely at your own risk. E-elaeraning ENA cannot be held responsible for any damage due to such interruptions or unavailability of the services of the platform.

We are not responsible for delays or failures in the performance of any Service due to events beyond our control, such as an act of war, hostility or sabotage; a natural disaster ; a breakdown in the electrical, Internet or telecommunications networks; or government restrictions.

Article 11. Evolution of the general conditions of use

ENA Platform reserves the right to modify unilaterally, without notice and at any time, the content of these general conditions of use. Unless otherwise specified, any modification takes effect on the day of its publication.

If you continue to use our Services after the changes take effect, it means that you accept these changes. The revised version of these Terms will supersede all prior versions of these Terms.

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■ الغرض من جمع واستخدام المعلومات الشخصية

Privacy policy

  1. The reason why ENA E-Learning Service (hereinafter referred to as "ENA") collects personal information from users and the purpose of using personal information is to verify the eligibility of learners and to use it as a basis for creating academic records after enrollment in ENA.
  2. Based on the personal information you provide, the ENA will be able to provide you with more useful information. We also ask for your personal information so that we can provide you with prompt and accurate responses to your requests.
  3. In order to keep your personal information more accurate and up to date, we provide you with the ability to modify your personal information at any time.

What personal information we collect and how we collect it

  1. ENA collects the minimum amount of personal information by lawful and fair means. When collecting your personally identifiable information, we will always obtain your consent through due process.
  2. We study the distribution and interests of our users based on server log files and surveys on our homepage. This is to better understand our users and to provide higher quality services. These studies are collected and analyzed in the aggregate and do not contain any identifiable information about individual users.
  3. The following personal information is required to be collected from users.
    - Name, address, and cell phone number, E-Mail
  4. We do not collect personal information that contains content that may significantly infringe on the basic human rights of users, except in cases where we have the user's lawful consent or in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

Retention and use period of personal information

  1. After the purpose of collecting and using personal information is fulfilled, the information will be destroyed without delay.
  2. When a user registers for a course, the user's personal information is used to create academic records and is used for academic management and lecture delivery, and course-related information is permanently stored.
  3. Your personal data will be treated in accordance with the ENA Privacy Policy.

جمع واستخدام المعلومات الشخصية